How to know Mobile Numbers in KSA registered under my Iqama number ?
How do I Know Mobile SIM Cards issued under my iqama Number in Saudi Arabia ?
To avoid some one is misusing my Iqama Number For STC, Mobily Or Zain Networks.
 Views: 55587
How to know Mobile Numbers in KSA registered under my Iqama number ?
Answers (1)
11 سنةs منذ
  In order to ensure that no SIM cards are registered in the name of the subscriber without his knowledge, the Commission in coordination with Saudi Telecom Company (Jawwal), Etihad Etisalat (Mobily), and Saudi Mobile Telecommunications Co. (Zain) has developed a free of charge mechanism that enables the subscriber to know the number of SIM cards registered in his name, as follows:   

Saudi Telecom Company (Jawwal) Sending SMS message containing the number (9988) to the number (902) 

Etihad Etisalat (Mobily) Sending a blank SMS message to the number (616166) 

Saudi Mobile Telecommunications Co. (Zain) Sending a blank SMS message to the number (700123)


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