How to check saudi iqama status online (red or green)?
How can i check my saudi iqama status online? please tell me the procedure.
 Views: 3896850
How to check saudi iqama status online (red or green)?
Answers (123)
12 سنةs منذ

Follow the below steps to check your saudi iqama status online.

Step 1: Click the below link to go to Ministry of Labor Saudi Arabia Website

Step 2: Enter your Iqama number in the 2nd box (first circle).

Step 3: Enter the security code in the 4th box (second circle). Security code is shown in green circle.

Step 4: Click the second button from left (4th circle) and wait for the response.

Step 5: Your Iqama status will appear in the bottom of that page.

Now you should find your iqama status with color (RED/YELLOW/GREEN).
12 سنةs منذ
ahmed! I checked my iqama status it shows in RED color. is there any problem pls clarify.
12 سنةs منذ
Hi Mohd, I got some info regarding the color check below.

Companies will be categorized as red, yellow, green and blue according to the percentage of their employed Saudis.

Companies falling under the red category (employing approximately 0-10% Saudis, depending on the industry and total population) will not be allowed to have their expat visas renewed and they can’t acquire additional visa unless two of their present expat were sent home.

Those under the yellow category (around 11-20% Saudis employed) will not be allowed to renew visas of their expats who have worked in the Kingdom for six years.
12 سنةs منذ
i have not got my answer???????
12 سنةs منذ
where should i find my answer??????
12 سنةs منذ
i am amil M. sumampil ,i want to know where this company belong red ,yello,or green ,i work at olayan kichen aluminium here my eqama no.2093880786 is already expired untill now not yet been renewed ,if the desicion is exit is also find for me
Noor ul
12 سنةs منذ
Thank You. i got the right answere
12 سنةs منذ
green means stable
yellow means undecided
red means needed to be deported,
12 سنةs منذ
12 سنةs منذ
yes i got it thanks

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