خادمة المنزل في الرياض
عاملات للتنازل ونقل كفاله 0541612942@@ مكتب النجم الذهبي @@ اذا كنت تبحث عن مكتب معتمد وموثق لكي تتنازل عن خادمتك بطريقه نظاميه وبعقود تضمن حقك اولا وسرعة فى نقل الكفالة فقط مع...الرياض - 25-سبتمبر
Looking for LIVE IN NANNY HOUSEMAIDThis is urgent!! We are looking for live in housemaids and nannies based in Saudi and available for work. Please dm me or send a message on Whatsapp +639273462760 ...الرياض - 02-يوليو
Job for House Maid/NannyWe are looking for House Maid/Nanny (Female) who enjoys cooking and household work for Indian family of 2. She should be responsible and dedicated to work. Contact message on WhatsApp 966597731942 if interested...الرياض - 03-يناير
House lady5 house lady looking a job . Sri Lankan. Good experience. 0545237935. Riyadh only....الرياض - 18-نوفمبر
House cleaner available par time/Monthly@Riyadh 0598144709House cleaner Available par time/monthly @ Riyadh 0598144709...الرياض - 08-نوفمبر
Monthly/par time cleaning RiyadhCleaning services monthly/par time Riyadh Saudi...الرياض - 08-نوفمبر
Full time house maid needed 0597801152Must have valid Iqama to enter the compound...الرياض - 12-مارس
Full time house maid needed 0597801152Must have valid Iqama to enter the compound...الرياض - 12-مارس
Looking for a Baby Sitter (Prefer from Philippines)Hello, I am looking for a babysitter who can take good care of my baby from Sunday-Thursday (8:30 am to 6 pm). The time given is not fixed, what I mean is sometimes I will take it earlier than 6 pm I just have given the pickup time in the evening bec...الرياض - 21-نوفمبر